ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ ⴰⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ(ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ SVG, ⵙ 900 × 600 ⵉⴷ ⴱⵉⴽⵙⵍ, ⵜⵉⴷⴷⵉ ⵏ ⵓⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ: 318 bytes)

ⵉⴽⴽⴰ ⴷ ⵓⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ ⴰ Wikimedia Commons. ⵉⵖⵢ ⴰⴷ ⵉⵜⵜⵓⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ ⵉⵙⵏⴼⴰⵔⵏ ⵢⴰⴹⵏⵉⵏ. ⵢⵓⵎⵏ ⵓⴳⵍⴰⵎ ⴳ ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰ ⵏ ⵓⴳⵍⴰⵎ ⵏ ⵓⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ ⴳ ⴷⴷⴰⵡ ⴷⴰ.


English: Flag of the Republic of New Granada, 1831-1857, and the Granadine Confederation, 1857-1861 (Colombia).
Español: Bandera de la República de la Nueva Granada, 1831-1857, y la Confederación Granadina, 1857-1861 (Colombia), adoptada por la Ley del 9 de mayo de 1834:
Artículo 6: Los colores nacionales de la Nueva Granada serán rojo, azul y amarillo. Estarán distribuidos en el pabellón nacional en tres divisiones verticales de igual magnitud: la más inmediata al asta, roja; la división central, azul y la de la extremidad, amarilla.
Français : Drapeau de la Nouvelle-Grenade 1831-1857, et la Confédération grenadine, 1857-1861 (Colombie).

Own work based on: the flag from FOTW.

Español: Propio, basándose en la bandera de FOTW.
ⴰⵎⴳⴰⵢ Fibonacci
Other versions
SVG genesis
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Please do not replace the simplified code of this file with a version created with Inkscape or any other vector graphics editor
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SVG code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="900" height="600">
<path fill="#fc0" d="M0,0h900v600H0"/>
<path fill="#039" d="M0,0h600v600H0"/>
<path fill="#c00" d="M0,0h300v600H0"/>
217 bytes


Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so:
I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.


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Flag of New Granada

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some value

Wikimedia username ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ: Fibonacci
author name string ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ: Fibonacci

copyright license ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

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14 ⴱⵕⴰⵢⵕ 2007

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ⴰⵙⴰⴽⵓⴷ/ⴰⴽⵓⴷⵜⴰⵡⵍⴰⴼⵜ ⵎⵥⵥⵉⵢⵏⵉⵎⵏⴰⴷⵏⴰⵏⵙⵙⵎⵔⵙⴰⵖⴼⴰⵡⴰⵍ
ⴰⵎⵉⵔⴰⵏ14:10, 19 ⵉⵏⵏⴰⵢⵔ 2022ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 14:10, 19 ⵉⵏⵏⴰⵢⵔ 2022900 × 600 (318 bytes)Milenioscurosame colors as File:Flag of Colombia.svg
01:49, 15 ⵛⵓⵜⴰⵏⴱⵉⵔ 2011ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 01:49, 15 ⵛⵓⵜⴰⵏⴱⵉⵔ 2011900 × 600 (284 bytes)Alkaricode cleanup
08:46, 30 ⵉⵏⵏⴰⵢⵔ 2010ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 08:46, 30 ⵉⵏⵏⴰⵢⵔ 2010900 × 600 (2 KB)Milenioscurosize
14:17, 14 ⴱⵕⴰⵢⵕ 2007ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 14:17, 14 ⴱⵕⴰⵢⵕ 2007600 × 400 (293 bytes)Fibonacci{{Information |Description={{en|Flag of the en:Republic of New Granada, 1831-1856 (en:Colombia).}} {{en|Bandera de la es:República de la Nueva Granada, 1831-1856 (es:Colombia).}} |Source={{en|Selfmade, based on the flag from [http

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ⵙⴽⵏ ⵓⴳⴳⴰⵔ ⵖⴼ ⵓⵙⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵜⴰⵢ ⵏ ⵓⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ ⴰⴷ.
