ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ:Flag of the Namibian Air Force.svg
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ⴰⵎⵉⵔⴰⵏ | 20:48, 22 ⵉⵏⵏⴰⵢⵔ 2022 | 1 000 × 600 (215 KB) | Skjoldbro | Uploaded a work by Skjoldbro from {{own}}, based on {{cite magazine |title=Government Notice |magazine=Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia |date=20 August 2010 |volume=4547 |pages=95-96 |url=http://www.lac.org.na/laws/2010/4547.pdf |access-date=20 December 2021}} {{atrrib|Flag of Namibia.svg}} {{atrrib|Coat of arms of Namibia.svg}} with UploadWizard |
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- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ dag.wikipedia.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ dv.wikipedia.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ en.wikipedia.org
- Namibian Defence Force
- Flag of Namibia
- Template:Country data Namibia
- Namibian Air Force
- List of military flags
- Comparative air force officer ranks of the Commonwealth
- Comparative air force enlisted ranks of the Commonwealth
- Comparative air force officer ranks of Africa
- Comparative air force enlisted ranks of Africa
- Template:Ranks and Insignia of Non NATO Air Forces/OF/Namibia
- Template:Ranks and Insignia of Non NATO Air Forces/OR/Namibia
- Military ranks of Namibia
- Comparative air force officer ranks of Anglophone countries
- Comparative air force enlisted ranks of Anglophone countries
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ es.wikipedia.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ fr.wikipedia.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ ig.wikipedia.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ lld.wikipedia.org
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- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ simple.wikipedia.org
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