ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ:Ruby gem.JPG
Ruby_gem.JPG (432 × 324 ⵉⴷ ⴱⵉⴽⵙⵍ, ⵜⵉⴷⴷⵉ ⵏ ⵓⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ: 29 KB, ⴰⵏⴰⵡ MIME: image/jpeg)
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ⴰⵙⴰⴽⵓⴷ/ⴰⴽⵓⴷ | ⵜⴰⵡⵍⴰⴼⵜ ⵎⵥⵥⵉⵢⵏ | ⵉⵎⵏⴰⴷⵏ | ⴰⵏⵙⵙⵎⵔⵙ | ⴰⵖⴼⴰⵡⴰⵍ | |
ⴰⵎⵉⵔⴰⵏ | 05:07, 7 ⵉⴱⵔⵉⵔ 2023 | 432 × 324 (29 KB) | User-duck | Cropped to center using CropTool with lossless mode. | |
10:16, 8 ⵢⵓⵏⵢⵓ 2009 | 490 × 422 (32 KB) | Humanfeather | {{Information |Description={{en|1=cut ruby gemstone with inclusions}} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=Humanfeather |Date=2009-06-06 |Permission=free use |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}--> Category:Ruby [[Catego |
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- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ ar.wikipedia.org
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- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ bg.wikipedia.org
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- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ en.wikipedia.org
- July
- Red
- Ruby
- Inclusion (mineral)
- Dodoma Region
- Ruby (color)
- Birthstone
- User:Humanfeather
- User:Chris.urs-o/Sandbox.009
- User:Cassie Hawthorne
- User:Cassie Hawthorne/sandbox
- User:Rubywatts
- User:Hurricane Noah/Awards templates
- Template:User WPTC Level 24
- User:Lin Phone/sandbox
- Shades of rose
- User:WaddlesJP13/Userbox/Ruby
- Wikipedia:Userboxes/Science/Mineralogy
- User:WaddlesJP13/Userboxes/Geology
- User:Catfurball/Userboxes2
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ en.wikibooks.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ en.wikiquote.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ en.wiktionary.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ es.wikipedia.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ et.wikipedia.org
- ⴰⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴳ fa.wikipedia.org
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